November 27th, 2016

9:30     Song Service – Junior Schrock

  9:45     Sunday School Hour
                    Superintendent- Willis Schlabach
                    Ass’t Superintendent- Titus Miller
                    Sunday School Lesson- “First and Last”
                                                              Revelation 22:8-21

 10:30    Worship Service
               Offering – General Fund
               DNI Report: Mexico Orphanage & Missions- Clarence Miller

                         Next Sunday:  December  4th , 2016    
                                Offering- Life Ministries & Gospel Express
                                Praise & Testimony– Javan Raber
                                Message- Ed Yoder                               
                                Sunday School Lesson-  “God Promises a Savior”
                                           Luke 1:26-38

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         There’s NO service scheduled this evening.
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Greeters & Hosts            Lee & Joyce Mummau
                                      December      4th    Mose & Ellen Beachy
                                      December    11th    Doran & Jolene Yoder
                                      December    18th    Loyal & Mina Beachy

Prayer Requests
Michael and Vera –Sebastian, Theodore & Norah
David D, Emma Schrock;
Roman B., Trenten Miller,
Eli Wengerd, Mary Yoder, 
Joe Raber, Katie Miller, Lester J- Health Issues                                                                        
Vernon & Edna Beachy Family
Leighton, Justin and Derek Raber
Mattie Mullet, Emma Yoder- Walnut Hills
For those who have lost loved ones

   Our SEAMS Family in New York
Henry, Deb, Joshua, Katelyn, Allison, and Vanessa Blank

Attention Ladies
   Our next sewing is December 6th. The committee is planning to have a special lunch for you ladies and all are welcome to come. This would be a great time for newcomers to come and join us! No need to bring any food unless we contact you.

Open House
     You are all invited to a 55th Anniversary Open House for Roman N. & Ora Lena Miller at United Day Spring Church today from 2-5pm. Omit gifts. 

Christmas Donations for  the Henry Blank family in New York City
                     If you wish to help, please give your check or cash to Freeman Mullet by    
                December 11th.  Checks should be made out to Sharon Church.    Thank You!

Reminder to write Cards of Encouragement to:
       Barbara Raber-  Edna Yoder
       Deb Blank-          Ellen Beachy

Happy Birthday to… !!!
                 December     3rd   Janelle Yoder
Happy Anniversary!!!!
               November   27th    Willis & Ruth Schlabach
               November   30th    Roman N. & Ora Miller

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