September  25, 2016

Counsel Meeting

  9:30     Song Service – Junior Schrock

  9:45   Sunday School Hour 
            Superintendent – Willis Schlabach
            Ass’t Superintendent – Titus Miller
            Sunday School Lesson –  “Everlasting Covenant”
                                                                                Isaiah 61:1-4, 8-11

10:45   Worship Service
               Offering – Missions
               Message- Tom Mullet

                         Next Sunday:  October  2nd, 2016    
                                Offering- Alms Fund
                                Message- Ed Yoder
                                No Sunday School                                  

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     6:00       Sunday Evening        “Fellowship @ Fresno”
                                 Host & Hostess-  Dave & Karen Shetler
                      Bring fingerfoodshot dogs provided
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Greeters & Hosts    Willis & Ruth Schlabach
                      October    2nd     Whitey & Anna Mullet
                  October    9th      John & Susan Yoder

7:00    Wednesday Evening        Prayer Meeting
        DVD on Nonresistance by Dean Taylor

Prayer Requests
Michael and Vera –Sebastian, Theodore & Norah
David D, Emma Schrock;
Roman B., Trenten Miller
Riley Troyer, Eli Wengerd, Mary Yoder, 
Mattie Mullet at Walnut Hills
Joe Raber, Katie Miller, Lester J- Health Issues                                                                        
Vernon & Edna Beachy Family
Leighton, Justin and Derek Raber
Emma (Jacob) Miller- recovering from Heart Valve Surgery
Jacob Miller- hip replacement
Amanda Troyer- Shoulder replacement
Sean Troyer- knee surgery
For those who have lost loved ones
Our SEAMS Family in New York
    Henry, Deb, Joshua, Katelyn, Allison, and Vanessa Blank

Coming up for Sharon 
     October     2nd    Communion
     October  6-9th    Meetings with Lee Mummau
     October    19th   Men’s Fellowship Night

Reminder to write Cards of Encouragement to:
       Barbara Raber- Amanda Troyer,  Atlee Troyer
       Deb Blank- Anna Mullet

Happy Birthday to !!!
                September   25th    Mandy Mullet
                September   30th    David Shetler,  Esther Miller

                     October     1st     Willis Schlabach,  Sheri Miller

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