
Day 3 of painting....very tired tonight! Random bursts of singing today....a popular song was "cause i'm wore out". We had to redo the boys dorm painting due to a reaction of the steel and primer paint we used on day one, so we needed to repaint with a different from earlier posts you know what we faced. Most of tomorrow is our day off for shopping, etc....this was what kept the ladies going today! Tomorrow evening is a church meeting and Saturday is medical camp. Last evening we joined the youth meeting and Sami and Polina shared their testimonies. Continue to pray for us...and specifically my (Joyce) has some strange red swelling on the ankle. Joe is longing for home today since the news of his new Grandson's arrival! Thanks and God's blessing to you all ~ the India Team


Unknown said...

Our prayers are still going upward. We will add your ankle to the list, Joyce. Glad you're done with that stinky painting job. I'm sure paint smell is bad enough and then to add worse smells yet... Congrats to the new grandpa. I can go hold the baby if that makes him feel better. :)Good job, Sami and Polina for sharing your testimony! Sheri

Anthony and Michelle said...

Wow, they hardly let us lift a finger, sounds like you all are quite the working bunch!! I hope your shopping day revived (or revives, don't know what time you'll be in 'til you get this) you. It looks like you all are doing well, keep up the good work! Michelle

Unknown said...

Dear Beloved, Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus
Christ. my dad working as a medical practitioner in the rural regions of
India since 10 years. On 25 February 2006 God has called to do his
ministry, so I came into full time ministry and parching the gospel in
all the nearby villages and also helping 6 more pastors who are also
working in remote villages. I am providing some support to the
pastors, Widows and Orphan Children with HIV from what I get thru my
medical practice and little donations form the poor church members.
Some Pastors are visiting Tribal People who live in the deep forest
and preaching the Gospel for those who never heard the gospel once in
their lifetime. We want to proclaim that the Jesus Christ is the only
Savior who gave his life and blood for our sins and rose again, and
also coming very soon. So we are preaching, teaching and preparing
those for the second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. All these
pastors and Churches do not have any buildings but they come together
at someones houses or under the trees or in open grounds. As God
Called me to do his Ministry in this last days for the expansion of
the Kingdom of God. I Started with the Goal to reach the unreached
with the Gospel. As a part of my work I have started a registered
Trust In 2012.Taking all the activities like preaching the Gospel,
Teaching to make them deciles, and helping the vulnerable Children
with the HIV and Widows, and Poor Pastors that are working among the
remote places of this unreached India. As a Medical Practitioner I am
only working for few hours to get money for my living and thru this
medical Practice and donations for the rural church members I am able
to support those in needed. I want to do more and there large scope to
do more. Hence I request you kindly pray, consider and support our
mercy ministries. May the Lord Bless you in abundance for what you do
for the kingdom of God in India. Thanking you. God Bless you your team
come to India any time invite u Your Brother in Christ Service Bro.
jeremy pastor rayabhupalapatnam (post) peddapuram
(md). E.G.Dist. -533437 AP.India., cell;:+917799313779