Sunday, Feb 20th

We have arrived!!! After a very long and weary trip....the travel weary team has arrived. Lanka picked us up at the airport and we traveled back to Vijayawada. The road trip took over 6 hours and most of us were unable to even sit back and rest due to the hair raising driving. Teaching 2 girls how to drive was no preparation for this type of driving. We have rested and got a good nights sleep, breakfast, and church. Tom preached from Eph 1, and the team sang and we had introductions. It's wonderful to see that God is the same where ever we might be located in the world. We enjoyed a delicious lunch (2:00) and this afternoon will be spent with the children. Tonight we will be a witness to a Hindu wedding...these weddings take place between 11:30-midnight. This will be a wonderful experience....the girls are looking forward to this. No one is feeling ill, please continue to pray for us. Monday and Saturday are medical camps...we are only able to do 2 since the doctors aren't available, he will do a third one next month. Tom and Ed are looking for a response from the mission board regarding this? At this point, this is the news...continue to keep us in your prayers....they are felt!!


Unknown said...

The flowers around the necks and the sunglasses have us all jealous considering the snow we are seeing coming down! PTL for safe travels and for healthy bodies. I must say the girls looked the most awake. :) You were missed this morning in church!! We will continue to lift you to the throne. Ron and Sheri

Jeanie said...

What a neat welcome! I agree with Ron...the adults look weary! Thanks for the photos...very interesting. How neat to witness a Hindu wedding! Midnight?! I wonder why that time? We are praying for all of you. During the night we had an ice storm. Think about that while you are sweating in India! I pray that God gives you many opportunities to share His love. I just love how cute the children are. :) **Chon!!**

Love Jeanie :)

Ruby said...

We are still missing you! Took a load of Amish ladies to Columbus hit lots of goodwill stores, left at 7:15 and came home at 10:15 wow one tired momma! Love to read the updates! Sounds like you are having a good time and so glad you are all healthy! praying for you! LOVE MOM