Monday Evening

Last evening we witnessed a Hindu wedding which was held at midnight. Very interesting!! We arrived back home after midnight and were up again at 7:00 a.m. for breakfast and headed out for the first clinical. It was shortened due to heavy rain....yes....we got wet!! Before we knew it, we were standing in a "barn" to stay somewhat dry. The clinic was held in a small school and we served 250 plus children today. 37 were diagnosed with cataracts that need surgery. We went to a local home for lunch/dinner then back home by 5:30. Many opportunities to show Christ since it was evident that the people were very unlearned and we were the first "white" people they have ever seen. Everyone is healthy....please continue to pray for us and the work! Looks like a cyclone is in the the agenda for tomorrow is "up in the air"... check back! Love to all!


clarence said...

We are enjoying your updates and are very thankful you are staying healthy! Blessings

Bert and Mary said...

Praying for health,safety and a powerful witness for Jesus!

Ruby said...

Hi Sami....we miss you, Tyler asks every day "is Sami coming home today?" praying for you. Love,Mom

cindi said...

We love reading your updates! Praying for physical health, spiritual strength and strong stomaches. :-) Wish you could email us some of that good chicken curry! Looking forward to hearing about the Hindu wedding. That's something I never got to experience. Give our greetings to Lanka and family and the children.
God Bless You!

Anonymous said...

Hi Sami, Hope you are doing okay. We miss you. Love and prayers.

Grandpa & Grandma Zook

Marcella Wengerd said...

It's been great reading your blog. I tried to comment on Sun. morn. but it evidently didn't come through. We continue to pray for safety, health & God's blessings. Eli & Marcella

Freeman and Rhoda said...

We enjoy the pictures and updates. We are praying for you! Have a safe trip home!

Willis and Ruth said...

Enjoying the updates and pictures. Joyce you are doing a good job as "the blogger":) (Hope you are warm enough:)) You missed a very beautiful snow!!!!!!! Praying for all of you and for no rain for you.
Willis and Ruth

Jeanie said...

Joyce, be careful it's not a bloodclot! Sounds like God is stretching all of'll have lots of stories. It also sounds like you're in a serious need of some diet coke! :) We miss you!