January 8th, 2017

  9:30     Song Service

  9:45     Worship Service
               Offering – Ministers’ Support
              Message – Tom Mullet
               Children’s Church- Loyal & Mina Beachy
               Adult joint Sunday School- Marvin Mast
                                Sunday School Lesson-  “Praise God With a New Song”
                                                                Psalm 96 

                         Next Sunday:  January  15th, 2017   
                                Offering- General Fund
                                Praise & Testimony- Ron Miller
                                Message- Dustin Miller (DNI Bangladesh)
                                Sunday School Lesson-  “Praise God the Provider”
                                                      Psalm 65; 67:6,7

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         6:00     Sunday Evening ServiceHymn Sing
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  Greeters & Hosts  Ken & Renee Troyer
                     January  15th       Titus & Carol Miller
                     January  22nd      David & Mary Weaver
                     January  29th       Bert & Mary Hostetler

Instruction Class
      If you are interested in being in the Instruction Class, please contact                               Tom or Ed!

Prayer Requests
Michael and Vera –Sebastian, Theodore & Norah
David D, Emma Schrock;
Roman B., Trenten Miller,
Eli Wengerd, Mary Yoder, 
Joe Raber, Leroy Yoder, Katie Miller, Lester J- Health Issues                                                                        
Vernon & Edna Beachy Family
Leighton, Justin and Derek Raber
Mattie Mullet, Emma Yoder- Walnut Hills
For those who have lost loved ones
   Our SEAMS Family in New York
Henry, Deb, Joshua, Katelyn, Allison, and Vanessa Blank

Birthday Reminder: Josh Blank: Wednesday, born January 11th, 1999!!
Thank You Note
      We would like to thank the church for your prayers and the support we felt during the loss of our mother and grandmother.  Also, the food, phone calls, texts, and words of comfort were appreciated.  They were all special.  Friends help make the journey easier.
                              Eli, Marcella, Ron, Sheri & Family,
                           and the whole Wengerd Family
Lost & Found
      There’s a table in the foyer with kitchen items, clothing, electronics, books, Christmas gifts, etc. that may be yours. Please claim them if they are. Thanks!

Coming Up for Sharon
    January  18th   Wednesday   Men’s Fellowship  7:00
    January  26th   Rick Grubbs    “Redeeming the Time”

Food Committee Work Crew for January
     John & Anna Miller
     Curtis and Trenten Miller
     Erma & Carol Yoder

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