Welcome To Sharon Conservative Mennonite Church February 9th, 2025
Therefore, my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord. 1 Cor.15:58
9:30 Song Service
9:45 Sunday School Hour
Superintendent - Friedrick Mullet / Asst. Superintendent- Leroy Yoder
Sunday School Lesson, Heeding Wholly: Matt.11:7-15,20-24
10:30 Worship Service
Offering: India / Africa Mission Trips
Praise & Testimony: Andrew Barnhart
Message: Linford Stutzman
Instruction class: Lesson 4, Accepting the Savior: Ron Miller
There is no Service scheduled for this evening
* Next Sunday… February 16,2025
Offering: General Fund
Children’s Church: Mose Beachy
Message: Jared Beachy
Instruction Class: Lesson 5, The New Life: Tom Mullet
Sunday School Lesson, Living Lastly: Matt.19:16-30
Fellowship Groups meeting in the Afternoon/Evening
* Greeter & Hosts: David & Mary Weaver February February 16th Reuben & Ruth Ann Miller
February 23rd Atlee & Viola Troyer
March 2nd Mark & Rita Miller
* Prayer Requests *
Health - Ed Yoder, Aden Miller
Widows and Widowers
Our Seams Family: Michael, Tiffany & Elliot
Michael Celebrates his Birthday February 12th
Instruction Class: Aden & Marlene Schlabach, Anna Yoder,
Hannah Raber, Aleah Barnhart, Taylor Yoder
EBI 3RD Term: Quincy Yoder and Conner Stutzman
*Up Coming Schedule of events
February 12th American Gospel Video
February 15th Marriage Testimony
March 16th -19th Spring Meetings: Dean Elliot
*February 12th Wednesday evening 6:30pm
The American Gospel Video – Leader Mark Miller
*February 15th (Sat. Evening)
Marriage Testimony: David Kaufman (FL.)
*Happy Birthday to you*
February 13th Amanda Troyer
February 14th Ina Wengerd
February 15th Mose Miller & Brayden Beachy
* February Clean Up Crew:
Tom Mullets, Magnus Millers, Alex Miller, Mackenzie Miller
Choice Books has openings from coast to coast. These openings would include Service Reps, Warehouse Assistants, District Managers and Houseparents. These can be V.S., Hourly or Volunteer positions. Contact Leroy Yoder